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綠色節(jié)能恒溫建筑Green energy-saving constant temperature building
  • 點擊數(shù):11170
  • 產(chǎn)品類別: 產(chǎn)品中心 建筑系列 節(jié)能建筑
  • 產(chǎn)品描述:

          相變材料(phase change materials)是一種具有特定功能的物質(zhì),它能在特定溫度(相變溫度)下 發(fā)生物相變化,材料的分子排列在有序與無序之間迅速轉(zhuǎn)變,伴隨吸收或釋放熱能的現(xiàn)象來貯存或放出熱能,進而調(diào)整、控制工作源或材料周圍環(huán)境溫度,以實現(xiàn)其 特定的應用功能。目前,隨著世界能源的日趨緊張,相變材料因其自身具有的特殊功能在太陽能利用、工業(yè)廢熱利用、節(jié)能、工程保溫材料、醫(yī)療保健等領域都得到了廣泛應用。

           Phase change materials (phase change materials) are substances with specific functions. They can undergo phase change at a specific temperature (phase change temperature). The molecular arrangement of the material changes rapidly between order and disorder, accompanied by absorption Or the phenomenon of releasing heat energy to store or release heat energy, and then adjust and control the working source or the ambient temperature of the material to realize its specific application function. At present, as the world's energy resources are becoming more and more tense, phase change materials have been widely used in solar energy utilization, industrial waste heat utilization, energy saving, engineering insulation materials, medical care and other fields due to their special functions.


         According to the application form of phase change building materials in construction, that is, according to the structure of the building, phase change building materials mainly have the following uses: Phase change energy storage gypsum board with gypsum board as the base material, mainly used as the inner wall material of the external wall (Such as phase change energy storage ceilings); use thermal insulation materials as substrates to prepare high-efficiency and energy-saving building envelopes (such as phase change energy storage wall panels); combine with indoor floors to simplify floor heating control systems (such as phase change energy storage wall panels). Variable energy storage heating floor).


           Common building materials and phase change materials are made into phase change energy storage composite materials, which can reduce the weight of building materials, greatly reduce room temperature fluctuations, and improve indoor thermal comfort and energy-saving insulation performance. In the future, the research of phase-change building materials will develop towards the direction of high-efficiency composite phase-change materials. With the advancement of polymer technology, the durability and economic issues of phase change composite materials will gradually be solved, and eventually lead to its wide application in the field of building energy conservation. At the same time, the stress effect of phase change materials on the substrate structure and the measurement of thermal insulation performance will also become a new research hotspot.


           Because people's awareness of energy conservation and environmental protection and environmental protection requirements in foreign countries are stronger than those in China, the actual application of phase change materials in buildings is also relatively extensive, and a complete industrial chain has been formed. The upstream is dominated by DuPont of the United States and Rubitherm of Germany, and the downstream is a variety of building materials manufacturers and ordinary users. In contrast, the development and application of phase change materials in China is relatively late, and the application in architecture is even later. However, with the government's emphasis on energy conservation and emission reduction and the improvement of the fire protection rating of building materials, the application of phase change materials in the construction field will usher in a period of rapid development.


          In short, under the macro policy of building a conservation-oriented society and creating an environmental civilization, new building materials will gradually replace heavy building materials with high energy consumption, high environmental pollution and high environmental pollution. With the development of high-rise buildings, the engineering requirements for new lightweight building maintenance structures are getting higher and higher, and building energy conservation will also be paid more and more attention. These will greatly promote the development of phase change energy storage composite materials.