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高強(qiáng)度防護(hù)涂層High-strength protective coating
  • 點(diǎn)擊數(shù):9630
  • 產(chǎn)品類別: 產(chǎn)品中心 高強(qiáng)度防護(hù)涂層
  • 產(chǎn)品描述:一種具有耐磨、抗撞擊、耐高溫等多種功能的新型高反應(yīng)性涂料??稍诙喾N場合領(lǐng)域使用。 A new type of highly reactive coating with multiple functions such as wear resistance, impact resistance, and high temperature resistance. Can be used in a variety of occasions.
  • 高強(qiáng)度防護(hù)涂層又稱之為高強(qiáng)度納米涂層。

    High-strength protective coating is also called high-strength nano-coating.


    Product Description:


          The emergence of high-strength nano-coating completely broke the traditional anti-corrosion and protection concept, and established a higher standard for the material protection industry. The high-strength nano-coating coating is flexible, rigid, and rich in color. It is dense, continuous, and seamless. It completely isolates the infiltration of moisture and oxygen in the air, and has unparalleled anti-corrosion and protective performance.

           高強(qiáng)度納米涂層用途極為廣泛。其應(yīng)用領(lǐng)域分布為:混凝土防護(hù)占 60%,卡車耐磨襯里占15%,鋼結(jié)構(gòu)防腐占10%,屋面防水占10%,其他占5%。

          High-strength nano-coatings are extremely versatile. Its application areas are as follows: concrete protection accounts for 60%, truck wear-resistant lining accounts for 15%, steel structure anticorrosion accounts for 10%, roof waterproofing accounts for 10%, and others account for 5%.


           The high-strength nano-coating coating is flexible, rigid, and rich in color. It is dense, continuous, and seamless. It completely isolates the infiltration of moisture and oxygen in the air, and has unparalleled anti-corrosion and protective performance. It also has a variety of functions such as wear resistance, waterproof, impact resistance, fatigue resistance, aging resistance, high temperature resistance, and nuclear radiation resistance.


          High-strength nano-coating is a two-component 100% solid content high-performance environmentally friendly coating composed of high-performance resin, color paste, functional additives and curing agent. As a new type of high-reactivity coating, it has outstanding comprehensive properties and excellent mechanical properties, including good flexibility, tensile strength, tear strength and elongation; at the same time, it has outstanding corrosion resistance and abrasion resistance, especially It has a broad application space and unique leading technology in explosion-proof and impact resistance.


    Technical advantages of high-strength nano-coating:


    1. Outstanding comprehensive performance and excellent mechanical properties (good flexibility, good tensile strength, tear strength and elongation);


    2. It has outstanding corrosion resistance and wear resistance, especially in explosion-proof and impact resistance, and has a broad application space;

    3.固化速度快,10 秒凝膠,10 分鐘達(dá)到步行強(qiáng)度;

    3. Fast curing speed, 10 seconds to gel, 10 minutes to reach walking strength;


    4. The coating is continuous, dense, without seams, and has excellent waterproof and anti-corrosion effects;


    5. Good adhesion, concrete, steel, wood and other substrates have good adhesion;

    6.100%固含量,零 VOC’s 對環(huán)境友好;

    6. 100% solid content, zero VOC’s are environmentally friendly;

    7.與納米病毒消殺材料相參雜,使涂層具備殺毒性能,涂層周圍會(huì)形成 20-50μm 的納米病毒消殺圈,對周圍的病毒和細(xì)菌進(jìn)行消殺。

    7. It is mixed with nano virus disinfection materials to make the coating have antivirus performance. A 20-50μm nano virus disinfection circle will be formed around the coating to kill the surrounding viruses and bacteria.